Our Products

DealersCircle is an entirely online solution. No client-side installations are required, so there is virtually no software maintenance to keep up with. Our system is designed to streamline, simplify, and improve the efficiency in which manufacturers and their dealer network, service centers, customers, and suppliers do business with one another.

Click on the various products and features below to see how DealersCircle can help you run your business more efficiently.

Person Holding Ipad

Custom Product Ordering

Custom Product Ordering

  • Product Models by Model Year
  • Product Options master database allowing for ease of option maintainability for options used across multiple models
  • Options assigned to Option Groups with configurable selection requirements
  • Option rules engine for configuring complex rules to be evaluated when an order is saved to ensure validity
  • New Options can be easily propagated down to existing Product Models
  • Default Option pricing can be overridden at the Product Model level allowing for a single Option to have different pricing per Product Model
  • If Product Model pricing changes, existing Product Orders can be updated with the new pricing with the click of a button
  • Ability for dealers to add Dealer Options to Product Orders
  • Custom Write-In Option capability for both Manufacturer and Dealer Options
  • Multiple Dealer discounting options available per Product Order
  • Product Orders move through multiple statuses from Ordered to Delivered (to a retail customer)
  • Manufacturers have the capability to place Product Orders in a Pre-Production Unconfirmed status and require that Dealers confirm the Product Order prior to moving to Production
  • Dates are maintained for all status changes
  • Full and verbose audit log notes are kept on orders showing which user made which changes and when
  • Unlimited number of Attachments can be added to each Product to include images and standard documents
  • Multiple Product Order print options to allow printing Product Orders with the information that is appropriate for the need
  • Ability to print Window Stickers
  • Ability to specify a particular image as the image to use on Window Sticker prints
  • Stock images can be added to Product Models that are used as the Window Sticker image on Products until a specific image has been added to a Product and designated as the Window Sticker image
  • Product Orders are Delivered to retail customers where all necessary information for warranty registration is collected and the warranty period begins as of the date of delivery
  • Original and subsequent owners of Products can be easily tracked
  • Full transaction History is displayed per each Product
  • Any Warranty Claims, Parts Orders, Components or Service Communications that are related to the Product are displayed per each Product on separate tabs
  • Numerous fields for collecting additional data such as Unique Identifiers (Hull IDs, VINS, Serial Numbers), associated Engine and Transmission Serial Numbers, associated Trailer VIN numbers, etc…
  • Custom fields can be configured to collect non standard information
  • Configurable email notifications for both the Dealer and the Manufacturer such that users can be informed of any activity that requires their attention

Warranty Claim Management

Warranty Claim Management

Warranty Status Tracking

  • Warranty Coverage Types can be configured at the company level and then applied to Product Models appropriately
  • Warranty Coverage Types can specify duration of the coverage in months and/or engine hours or miles
  • Warranty Coverage Types can be different for the Original Owner vs a Subsequent Owner
  • Warranty Coverage Types can be propagated down to existing Product Orders
  • Warranty Coverage Types associated with a particular Product Model are applied automatically when a new Product Order of that Model is created
  • Warranty Coverage Types can be overridden on a specific Product, allowing for special circumstances
  • Dealers and Manufacturers can see the current Warranty Status of a Product at a quick glance and drill in for more detail on the particular Coverage Types that are applied on the validity of each at a particular point in time
  • Warranty Status is displayed to the dealer at the time that a Warranty Claim is filed

Warranty Claims Management

  • Dealers create Warranty Claims through a simple question based wizard that ensures that Product statuses are maintained properly and that claims are filed under Dealer Stock or an appropriate retail customer
  • Numerous configuration settings allowing Warranty Claims Management to work the way that you need it to
  • Parts can be added to Claims directly from your Parts Catalog or Manufacturers can allow manual Part entry if necessary
  • Labor items can be configured to allow a setup from free form entry to fully restricting selection from pre-configured items and multiple scenarios in between
  • Two modes of operation: 1) Parts and Labor completely separate 2) Parts must be directly associated to a Labor Item
  • Multiple ways to codify claims at the Claim level, Parts line item level and Labor line item level for reporting purposes
  • Claims submitted by Dealers and adjudicated by Manufacturers who can send claims back to the Dealer requesting additional info or adjustments, place into Pending Approval status which allows Parts to be shipped and await for the Dealer to complete the work, Accept or Decline the claim
  • Claims that are in process remain in a Current queue where Claims that have been processed are archived to History allowing users to focus on Claims that are currently in process
  • Parts can be marked as Do Not Ship which indicates that the Dealer will use a Part from stock and does not need the Part shipped out to them
  • Shipment tracking information can be entered per each part line item which will generate tracking emails with tracking links to the dealers
  • Unlimited number of Attachments can be added to each Warranty Claim to include images and standard documents
  • History tab that quickly shows and provides access to all previous Warranty Claims that have been filed on the same Product
  • Any Service Communications (such as Recalls) are displayed at the time a claim is created and are also available on their own tab on the Warranty Claim Editor
  • Ability to associate Service Communications to a Claim, Parts line item or Labor line item allowing costs to be tracked per Service Communication
  • Tickets tab that quickly shows and provides access to any Service Tickets that may have been a precursor to the Warranty Claim
  • Full and verbose audit log notes are kept on Claims showing which user made which changes and when
  • Can require items such as Engine Hours, Mileage or Failure Date be entered prior to Claim submittal
  • Configurable email notifications for both the Dealer and the Manufacturer such that users can be informed of any activity that requires their attention

Parts Ordering

Parts Ordering

Parts Catalog

  • Unlimited number of Parts can be added to a catalog
  • Unlimited number of Attachments can be added to each Part to include images and standard documents
  • Parts can be associated to Product Models to create a Model Level Bill of Materials
  • Parts can be associated to specific Products via the Product Unique ID (Hull ID, Serial Number, VIN, etc…) to create a Product-specific Bill of Materials
  • Parts can be associated to one another to create assemblies
  • Parts can be superseded such that obsolete parts remain in the catalog with their original part number and can still be searched for, but when users try to use those parts they are informed of the latest part in the supersession line and not allowed to use the obsolete part

Parts Ordering

  • Dealers can create and submit Parts Orders with numerous line items of various quantities
  • Parts can be added by searching the Parts Catalog or using the Quick Add feature for fast entry when the user knows what they need. Manual part line items can also be added when a user cannot locate a part and needs assistance
  • Parts Orders submitted by Dealers and reviewed by Manufacturers who can send Parts Orders back to the Dealer requesting additional info or making recommendations and adjustments. Parts Orders can be placed into Pending Approval status which allows Parts to be shipped
  • Shipping information can be entered per each part line item, including the Shipping Carrier and a Tracking Number which is then used to provide a link to the Carrier's tracking page
  • Quantity shipped can be provided which automatically changes the status of the Parts Order to Completed Partial until all Quantities Shipped match all Quantities Ordered
  • Unlimited number of Attachments can be added to each Parts Order to include images and standard documents
  • History tab that quickly shows and provides access to all previous Parts Orders that have been filed on the same Product (if provided)
  • Tickets tab that quickly shows and provides access to any Service Tickets that may have been a precursor to the Parts Order
  • Parts Orders can be canceled at appropriate times

Service Ticket System

Service Ticket System

  • Service Tickets provide a way to open up a line of communication about a particular issue when the dealer or end customer may not be sure whether a Warranty Claim needs to be filed or Parts need to be ordered
  • Service Tickets can be created by Dealers, by Manufacturers on behalf of Dealers or behalf of Customers
  • Configurable "Expert System" that allows a user to enter Symptoms of problems and have the system display possible Resolutions
  • Resolutions can be suggested back to the Dealer
  • Service Tickets can be marked as Resolved if a Resolution was found
  • Service Tickets can spawn off a Warranty Claim or a Parts Order as part of the resolution to the issue. Any information collected on the Ticket is then easily accessible from the resulting Warranty Claim or Parts Order
  • Unlimited number of Attachments can be added to each Service Ticket to include images and standard documents
  • History tab that quickly shows and provides access to all previous Service Tickets that have been filed on the same Product (if provided)
  • Relations tab that quickly shows any past Warranty Claims or Parts Orders associated with the Product in question

Sales And Customer Tracking

Sales and Customer Tracking

Customer Management

  • Full Customer/Prospect information can be collected and entered by the Dealers and by the Manufacturers
  • A Customer is considered a Prospect until at least one Product has been Delivered to the Customer
  • Customer Editor View has tabs to display Products, Claims, Service Tickets and Surveys that are related to the Customer
  • Notes tab for entering notes about the Customer

Letter Management

  • Letter Module allows Dealers and Manufacturers to create Letter Templates with merge fields from Customers and related Products
  • Letters can be emailed out directly to Customers provided there is a valid available email address
  • Letters can also be generated to be printed for us in physical mailers
  • Letter Schedules can be configured to send Letters on an Absolute Date or relative to events such as the Customer's Birthday, the Customer ordering a new Product, the Customer taking Deliver of a new Product or the Customer having Warranty work completed on his Product


  • Configurable Survey engine that allows Dealers and Manufacturers to create Customer Surveys with their own questions and variable answers
  • Survey answers can be Multiple Choice Single Selection (radio buttons), Multiple Choice Multiple Selection (checkboxes), a configurable Number Range (to allow for ranking answers) or Free Form Text
  • Results of defined Surveys can be viewed from a Summary Level where are all Survey answers are displayed together in graphical format
  • Results of individual Surveys can be viewed down to the Customer Level

Dealer Communication

Dealer Communication

Service Communications

  • Manufacturers can create Service Communications that range from Information Only to Service Recall items
  • Service Communications can be associated to the appropriate Products in numerous ways
  • Notifications can be sent to Dealers regarding Service Communications
  • Unlimited number of Attachments can be added to each Service Communication to include images and standard documents
  • Product Editor and Warranty Claim Editor have a Service Communications tab that displays any Service Communications associated with the Product
  • Lookup tool allowing quick Service Communication lookup via the Unique Identifier (Hull ID, Serial Number, VIN, etc…)
  • Service Communications are integrated with the Warranty Claims Management module such that users are presented with open Service Communications when filing a claim and have the ability to associate the claim to the Service Communication in multiple ways
  • Reports allow for viewing Warranty Claim costs related to a specific Service Communication

Document Library

  • A Document Library is available for the Manufacturer to configure a folder and document structure for providing readily accessible information to Dealers such as Product and Service Manuals
  • Notifications can be sent to Dealers about a new or updated Document in the Library Documents can consist of an unlimited number of Attachments such that packages can be put together of numerous documents or images
  • Dealers can be assigned a Document Library Access Level and the Document Library configured in a way such that Dealers only see Documents that they should see


  • Manufacturers have the ability to configure Manufacturer News items for their Dealers
  • The Dealer and Manufacturer Home Pages have a Manufacturer News widget where any News items that are configured as Headline news will be displayed
  • At any time, the Manufacturer can force all dealers to read their news at their next login, which will redirect the Dealer user to the Manufacturer's News page before continuing on to the application
  • All News items are displayed in the News section of the application
  • Unlimited number of Attachments can be added to each News item to include images and standard documents



  • The Manufacturer side of the Application contains a full reporting section with over 50 canned reports with variable parameters
  • New and custom reports are added regularly and can be requested at any time if the reports catalog does not currently contain a report to provide the information as needed
  • Report results can be saved to PDF, Excel, or Word formats



  • Multiple integration methods either directly via a messaging API or through using a simple DC Connect Windows Service that handles calling the API for you
  • Integration with Product Orders, Warranty Claims and Parts Orders
  • Ability for Manufacturers to provide financial information out of their financial package so that Dealers can see invoices, payments and statements within the DealersCircle portal
  • Ability to integrate with most third party systems through the use of generic data message files
  • Integration with industry partners that provide services such as CSI Surveys
  • Unlimited ability to customize integrations
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